Senior Married Adults Seek DivorceConsidering Divorce

10 Reasons Why Senior Married Adults Seek Divorce

Breaking up a marriage much later in life is likely to be one of the biggest decisions an elderly married couple can make.

What Types of Expenses Are Covered by Child Support?Financial

What Types of Expenses Are Covered by Child Support?

Parents are likely to encounter multiple types of expenses as they raise their children.

Back to schoolBack to School

5 Back-to-School Tips for Separated and Divorced Parents

Back-to-school can be especially challenging for children whose parents separated or divorced over the summer.

parental alienationChildren's and Parenting

Are Some Parents More at Risk to Parental Alienation than Others?

Parental Alienation Syndrome occurs when a child aligns with one parent and grows exceptionally hostile toward the other parent.

Happy man after divorceLife After Divorce

Getting through Divorce with Grace and Dignity at Any Age

Amid the divorce horror stories that plague online news feeds with gritty details, a few glimmers of hope shine through.