handing over keys

Financial Issues

How to Make Good Use of Community Property Settlement Funds After Divorce

Here's why investing in real estate after divorce is a good choice.

stop domestic violenceDomestic Violence

How Domestic Violence Affects a Divorce Case

Domestic violence includes any acts of abuse towards a spouse. Here's how it affects a divorce case.


How to Get Through Your First Thanksgiving After Divorce

Navigating Thanksgiving after divorce will require some extra effort, but that extra effort will be worth it.

coparenting appsCo-Parenting

Top 3 Co-Parenting Apps for Divorced Parents

With many options to choose from, stay focused on which co-parenting app fits your family’s situation.

happy womanDivorce Recovery

The Secret to Finding Yourself After a Divorce

When times get tough, remind yourself that you will get through it, even if it takes longer than you’d hoped.